General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you win this game?

How do you win this game? in General Discussion
E L Y S I U M-

    Undying said this game was unwinnable and LS is noob. How would you have won this game?



      To start with the picks: dire team picks are truly awful. There is no reliable stun, almost 0 saving potential, dire heroes and squishy and improper itemization is present.
      Lich should not have bought etherial and phylactery, but instead support utility items like force staff and glimmer (you may argue etherial can be used defensively, but lets not kid ourselves, he bought it to more damage).
      From my peresonal experience Undying is useful only until min 20 mark. After that his impact falls short and unless he buys some more utility items, he is just a waste of slot in dire team. And it doesn't even matter if his end game stat is the best in dire team, he wasn't really doing his best since he had no neutral item, probably flamed all game, picked Undying as 3 pos and suddenly realised he's a carry and a tanking support.
      Nature Prophet (in my personal experience) is #1 useless hero in current meta. As a mid-hero NP doesn't provide much to the team at all: the hero doesn't have an impressive outgoing damage, its summons do not excel at anything (comparing to every other hero with a summon) and hero has no reliable disable (sprout is a bullshit spell that counters you only if don't carry tangoes or q quelling blade). NP was picked probably because mid-player didn'y want to move around the map and thought that teleportation is enough somehow. Any other hero could make a difference (Primal Beast, for example).
      Lifestealer may be considered a noob, but just a bit. Firstly, hard carry has to consider enemy hard carry and itemize accordingly: what are the strengths and weaknesses of PA? Great survivability (through dodge) and physical damage output (ulti). As any strength-based hero LS gains more damage not only through damage artifacts, but also through survivability artifacts like Radiance (increases farming speed and blinds enemies), Assault Cuirass (reduces incoming physical damage while increasing personal attack speed and even team's survivability), Satanic (provides so much vampirism you can man-fight against enemy hard carry, also - a dispel) and Abyssal Blade (passively provides block chance while giving you a bash that pierces magic immunity and evasion i think). Also LS had to ensure he could land every strike on PA. For that Monkey King Bar was required. Mjollnir's lightnings may pierce evasion and increase farm but it doesn't pierce evasion as effectively as MKB and does not increase survivability as AC. Also never go double bracer/wraith band/null talisman. It breaks your farming tempo and you still have to sell those back to free up space in your inventory. Think about it: you spend 1k gold to not receive back 500 as artifacts are sold in the shop for half the price if I remember correctly. Its just gone and LS broke his farming tempo (delayed farm for necessary artifacts).
      Also not feeding enemy hard carry works just fine.

      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!